The Magnificent Misadventure
Concert Band Level 1
What lies in store for the heroes of our story? Will they be beset by monsters or are they just jumping at shadows? Come and see what lies in wait for our intrepid travellers as they stumble through their ‘Magnificent Misadventure’
Rehearsal Notes
Trombones playing glissandi are not essential to the work but are highly desirable. The piece will work quite satisfactorily as long as a bass instrument of some description is available.
Feel free to add or subtract for balance the number of performers with ‘feet running on the spot’ (bars 8 and 38) depending on the size of the ensemble and type of floor surface. i.e. You don't want it to sound too thin but also don’t want it to completely swamp the room! It should sound like a slightly comic version of a group of people running away in a very determined and frantic fashion. (in the composers mind is a somewhat ‘Monty Python-esque’ sound image!)
With regard to percussionists: The piece will also function with just Snare, Bass Drum and Cymbal parts. However, if only 3 percussionists are available, it is highly recommended to give the chance of covering the small ratchet and wood block solos to 2 worthy wind players who could play them in conjunction with their own instrumental part.
2:02 Minutes
Brolga Music Publishing